Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Birth control pills are one of the most effective and reversible method of contraception.With the term reversible I mean to say the return of fertility.
Let us first know how they actually work to prevent a pregnancy.They inhibit ovulation,produce some changes in the endometrium,alter the character of the cervical mucus so that it becomes thick and prevents the sperm from entering and even probably alters the motility of the fallopian tubes.

The next question that arises is am I a fit case to take birth control pills.
Well,There are some absolute contraindications to the use of birth control pills meaning in no case this should be started if the person is having severe hypertension,hyperlipidaemia,focal migraine problems, valvular heart disease and liver diseases.

Birth control pills are a big no in cases of undiagnosed bleeding from vagina due to any reason and all estrogen dependent tumors like the breast cancers.

There are some relative contraindications in which after a proper evaluation by the doctor one can decide if birth control pills can be taken.These conditions are smoking, asthma, obesity,epilepsy.

Now let us talk about the beneficial effects of the birth control pills other than the prevention of pregnancy.It regulates the menstrual cycle,decreases incidence of pain in periods,reduces premenstrual syndrome.It has beneficial effects as it protects against some disorders like fibroid,endometriosis, acne,hirsuitism,and even some cancers like the ovary,endometrium.

Minor side effects after the intake of birth control pills are nausea,vomiting,breast pain,weight gain,chloasma.