Putting on weight after you give birth to your bundle of joy is inevitable. Use a little tact and you can easily become your slim self again.
Consume small frequent meals instead of three main meals. Eat something filling like a tall glass of milkshake, soup or a plate of fruits.
Cut caffeine intake. Instead opt for other liquids and drink gallons of water.
It is best to avoid fried food like salty chips, wafers but give your body essentail fats through nuts and olive oil.
Proteins from lean meat such as chicken and fish are good option for lactating mothers. For vegetarians, animal protein can come through yoghurt, milk and dairy products.
Keep awy from refined flours. Vegetables like spinach, gourd, pumpkin, mushroom etc are packed with fibre. Fibre improves digestion, controls sugar, promotes satiety and provides anti-oxidants and vitamins that are important post pregnancy.
For women who have undergone surgery it is best to stay away from exercise for six months after the delivery but exercise can begin 40 days after a normal delivery.
Brisk walking for 20 to 30 mins is good enough for a beginner.
Post pregnancy yoga is the best way to improve posture.
Dancing and working out with music is another way of shedding weight.